Upcoming events.
Follow-up Session
On Saturday, December 7 from 9 am -12:00, we will be holding another Follow-up session. These are normally for people who have attended a seminar, to break down the information they learned, get a chance to ask questions, share any challenges or victories they are experiencing, and receive prayer. But we are opening this one up to anyone who wants to learn about Biblical healing and receive prayer. So, feel free to join us! We’d love to have you there. Just send an email to info@sonrisekc.org so we can know to expect you.
Sonrise Celebration!
Please join us for this very special event on Saturday, October 26 from 3-5 pm. We want to put Jesus on display by having you hear many of the amazing things He has done over the past 4 1/2 years. We will have testimonies of people who have been healed, saved and transformed through this ministry. We want to give glory to God for all that He has done and all the lives He has changed. We want to CELEBRATE!! And we really want you to be there!!
So, please come enjoy some light snacks and treats and sit back and listen to all that God has done. And of course, we will offer prayer at the end for anyone needing healing. WE LOVE to see God move and set the captives of sickness and disease (physical or emotional) free!!
Keys to Unlock Your Healing
This two-day conference is designed to give you the keys to unlock your healing! We will look at common obstacles that may be holding you back from receiving your healing. We will teach the TRUTHS from Scripture about sickness, disease and infirmity and you will receive tools to walk in divine health and bring healing to others.
There will be two sessions each day. These are chronological, so you want to try to attend all four! On Friday it will go from 1:00-4:00 pm and 5:30-8:30 pm. On Saturday we will meet from 9 am -12 pm and 1-4:30 pm. Dinner/Lunch will be available between the sessions each day for $5.00.
The session titles in order are: 1) The Character of God/Your Identity in Christ - Looking at how misconceptions about God and not knowing all you have in Christ can hinder your healing, 2) Spiritual Warfare - how the enemy can deceive us about healing, 3) How Jesus viewed sickness and disease, and 4) Our Authority over sickness and disease.
Prayer will be available after each session.
Come and receive the truths you have been missing and experience FREEDOM from whatever is holding you back from living the abundant life Jesus came to give you! And learn how to pray for others and help unlock their healing!
“The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I (Jesus) came to give you life, and life abundantly!” John 10:10.
Healing Prayer Night
We are inviting all who are needing healing to come and be ministered to by Jesus. We will share from Scripture what Jesus said about sickness and infirmity, hear testimonies of healings, and pray for you! We are believing God to move powerfully with His love and healing power. We would love for you to come and receive!
Healing Meetings with Dr. Maria Krinock
Sonrise Ministries is excited to host Dr. Maria Krinock, June 20-22. Dr. Maria carries a beautiful healing anointing and sees God move powerfully at her meetings. You won't want to miss it!