Here’s what our Recipients are saying about their Healing Prayer Sessions:

How did your healing session impact your life?  

I got rid of heaviness and worry that has plagued me when I sleep and in my regular life, stealing joy and confidence in the Lord. I feel like that was lifted and I can sense His heart more clearly and feel His protection and provision for me and our family.

It revolutionized the way I talk to Jesus and the the entire way I perceive all of my struggles in life and in my faith.

It gave me tools to practice intimacy with Jesus on a more regular and consistent basis. It was transformative and changed my view on what a relationship with Christ means. I learned how my relationship with Him can be significantly closer if I invest my time and energy towards these sessions. '

Specifically, what did God do in your session that helped you?

He showed me stored trauma that I needed to let Him deal with in love. He specifically has shown me where the roots of self hatred have been hidden that I couldn’t get to on my own. He’s taught me how to also seek His face. The scriptures say so much about that that I would have missed had Cathy not entered my life. I’m so grateful for the equipping to walk in more of the word that I have gotten in my sessions and relationship with Cathy and Julie.

I got my “voice” back because we prayed through some issues of betrayal and feeling “muzzled” by the enemy. This session was amazing! He gave me some cool visual pictures that represent my freedom with Him. He also spoke some deep truths to break some lies that I had been believing without even realizing it.

He has helped me to trust Him fully without fear. God has reminded me that He has never left me nor will He ever leave my side. His love covers all wounds.

God gave me instructions on how to be near to Him, and reminded me that He is always near, always loving, and always willing to sit with me and provide rest.

Did anything surprise you about your session?

I was able to deeply introspect and learn about myself. I saw how internal trauma was starting to physically impact my health. The environment was very peaceful and I felt intimacy with Jesus that I do not feel on a daily basis.

Yes, I was surprised how much Jesus truly healed different traumatic parts of my past and not only spoke to me, but loved on me in a new way.

It surprised me how loving and readily available Jesus is to us. Although this is something that is continually reiterated in scripture, to sit with Jesus and have Him remind me of these things was very powerful. I will never forget the amazing love that I felt when Jesus said my name.

I know the Lord's protection over me in a more earthly way. He gave us scriptures to live by and to focus on when our thoughts are troubled and I love how Cathy brought out scripture and how the Lord's word applied to me was amazing. It was a very personal and intimate experience.

What did you learn about God's nature, or His nature toward you?

He is always in control and He loves me more than I could ever understand. It didn't occur to me until this session that God really does fight all of my battles for me if I let Him and it is so cool because I was able to see that happen in this healing session.

I’m loved and He’s so for me! He’s more proud of me than I realize!

I felt his intense love and provision over me. It was like I was talking directly to my Father and He was intently listening and comforting me. He kept reminding me to trust in Him and to come back to Him often.

I learned that God protects me at all times through all situations and I am never alone. He is with me and he is loving me.

General Comments

I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone, even if you don't think you need healing, this session will change the way you view your relationship with God and will help areas in your life that you had no idea you needed help with. I am so grateful for the experience I was given and I hope to do it again sometime.

I will now see more clearly after the encouragement Cathy gave to me in a very weak moment in my life. My mission to serve the Lord will grow greater and more abundant. My prayers will be more intentional.

I am extremely grateful for the guidance and loving environment that Cathy Tilden provided for this healing session to occur. I always felt safe and she was very attentive and focused on my concerns. It was a beautiful experience. The notes that are provided afterwards are very helpful, I had forgotten some of this dialogue, and truly do appreciate every word noted--they remind me of other moments of the experience with Jesus!

The ministry style was comfortable & peaceful. God was so gentle & kind & funny. Jesus made my heavy situation manageable & lighter. My session allowed me to move forward in situations & relationships that would have remained broken without an intervention by God. He took the yuck of the situation and washed it away completely. In its place, He gave me a new foundation of trust. It was beautiful. Thank you so very much! I really appreciate you all!

These sessions changed my life! This ministry has opened the door wider to an intimate relationship with the Lord. My worship time is deeper and longer. I am having conversations with Him instead of my doing all the talking.  I had a heart that was numb and buried under a lot of hurt and rejection for decades. I felt like I was buried under a lot of rubble. Jesus dug me out and rescued me! His tender love makes me feel special and highly valued. He even gave me a new name: Precious Daughter.  Once I have the truth about God and what He thinks and feels toward me everything becomes new! It really is a revival. I feel set free! I also think I can bring any problem to the Lord and truly receive wisdom from Him. 

I felt his love and I left my session understanding that am his daughter and there was nothing I did or could ever do to change that. I don’t have an unhealthy fear of him anymore. I run to him now and know that his lap is always available. I also learned how to encounter God on my own.  He showed me where he was in each aspect of my life as a kid and teen years when I was completely lost. Holy Spirit showed me that God is fun, he enjoys me, he has always protected me, and he has fought for me. I am where I am because of his fierce love. 

I love Sonrise Ministries. Healing and freedom directed by the Holy Spirit. He is our deliverer and healer. Sonrise Ministries is completely dependent upon Holy Spirit to show up and He always does. Each session is bathed in prayer from beginning to end. It’s a beautiful ministry and I know it was conceived, developed and birthed by God and that’s why it is so powerful! 

For years whenever I would see a particular family member’s name show on my phone, I would have a visceral response in my body, an anxious feeling arise and sometimes had trouble sleeping. I knew this was something that needed to be addressed in prayer and I also knew that Cathy and her team would be the ones that could help. During prayer, God met me in an amazing way taking me to early childhood, possibly around age 3 or 4, and healed what was experienced then and what I came to believe at that time about myself, which was impacting my current life. I no longer experience a visceral response or anxiety and my sleep in no longer impacted when I see this family member’s name on my phone. I can only give thanks to God for His rich and powerful healing touch upon my life! I am also grateful for Cathy and her team!

During my healing session, I was surprised by the amount of peace and closeness I felt. God showed me that He always has time for me and loves me simply because I am His. This session reminded me that the Lord loves me for me. He longs to spend time with me and help me remember my identity in Him.   He gave me peace that surpassed understanding and assurance that He is really there.

It always amazes me about how intimately God knows me and cares about the details. Every session reveals in deeper ways His love for me and His complete awareness of all I am, including my likes, dislikes, fears and what excites me or challenges me. It also reveals in deeper ways how He gently cares and heals my wounds so His love can control me more and more. My sessions assured me of His love and compassion. I leave freer than I came in. God assured me about something that has burdened me and He continued afterward to show me what to do about a situation in thorough and specific ways.

The session was very relaxing and meditative. I felt cared for by the Lord. The Lord showed me a wall--he didn't tell me what it was at first but then he revealed it by the end of the session. Everything came full circle. He is so patient and willing to wait on me, He doesn't need me to be different than I am and he likes comforting me. My healing session made me feel cared for by God in a time when I wasn't feeling cared for by my spouse.

During my healing session, I was surprised by how clear the voice of Jesus was. I learned how forgiving and full of grace He is. My session added clarity and peace to my life. It helped me know that God believed in me and that added strength to my life. What an amazing experience!!!

Cathy is gifted, anointed and called by the Lord to this healing ministry. She dedicates time to pray over every guest before each session. I have been receiving counseling for a lifelong wound I never thought was going to be healed  - counseling never seemed to have much of an impact. It was helpful but it wasn’t healing. Sonrise Ministries will bring you into the presence of Jesus and you will encounter Him. We are never the same after an experience with our gentle yet powerful Savior. Don’t pass up this opportunity for those wounds you just can’t seem to find healing for. It is the door that leads to your dreams!